The project concerns cultural identity, self-awareness, and the concept of place. It explores the innate human drive to explore the natural environment, intertwined with the instinct for survival, which seeks a secure position along the trajectory connecting the eye to its point of visual saturation. It is within this context that limits or boundaries are delineated. This internal need, fueled by desires for power, knowledge, or territorial conquest, depending on individual perception, can prompt a reevaluation of our relationship with place, culture, and self. An essential prerequisite for reevaluating our visual and cognitive boundaries is to continually challenge the stereotypes entrenched in our conscious minds.
The series was captured during the winter across renowned Greek island destinations. Whether these coastal vistas are perceived as imaginary or real, they aim to challenge perceptions that Greece is solely a sunny paradise. Instead, they initiate dialogues on place representation, nationalism, cultural identity, and individual senses of place.